Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fixing Unknown error 0xE800000A in iOS Sync - Mac OS X Hints

Fixing Unknown error 0xE800000A in iOS Sync - Mac OS X Hints

The upgrade to iTunes 10.1 killed syncing my iPad. An 'Unknown error 0xE800000A' dialog was displayed. Searching Apple support, where the problem has occurred before without a fix beyond rebooting the device, and searching for the error on the web also didn't give a solution that worked.

Checking in the Console showed that iTunes couldn't write to a plist file in /var/db/lockdown; the file already existed and belonged to _usbmuxd. A quick Terminal session with:

cd /var/db/lockdown

sudo rm the file name

using the file name of the problem plist followed by a restart cured the problem.

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